9 Mar 2011

Over snow by winter sown...

Dear friends,

Just few days ago it struck me. A thought. Or rather the thought. The thought that in few weeks time I'm leaving for Moscow and that the journey won't take me just there but also to other places. It is still uncertain where the road shall inevitably take me after Moscow: to Sofia or to London. And it is definitely uncertain where I shall find myself, in due course of the next fifteen months or so, but this time I decided not to keep all my thoughts to myself (as some of you might know I have the habit of keeping a diary while abroad), but also to offer you your rightful share to read and to comment my scribbles. In other (and less fancy) words I decided to keep a blog while out there. In Russia, the Balkans or even in the UK.

But now, I have my first question for you: which language should I use? In which language would you prefer to read these anecdotes and stories of mine? Of course I'll use at least Finnish and English (and probably Russian, 'cause you know my ways already don't ya?). But which predominantly? I guess that has also a lot to do with the people who'd be interested to visit this site. So tell me! Anything really... I'd be interested to hear.

But do note: I would like to challenge you to challenge me. This blog is (naturally!) an open site and I'd like to write here not just the kind of stuff I want to tell you (don't worry, you'll get that too), but also stuff that you would like to hear. So there. Fire away!

Yours in high spirits,


PS. This time I didn't bother to write this in any other language than English. For obvious reasons.


  1. Any would do for me. As long as you feel you can deliver the message only in a certain language then go fo for it (FI/RU (may be BG some day, too?:)), I would assume for practical reasons and more "global coverage" English would serve best, though.

  2. Don't worry Georgi. If I end up in Sofia then you'll definitely get some anecdotes in Bulgarian as well. :)

  3. Perhaps I'd prefer English...
    Easiest would be Finnish, but I enjoy to challenge myself, so in that case English is the best one!

    I hope you have a good journey and you'll find new wonders!!!


  4. Use the language that best fits the situation and your point of view. If you want to praise Russian vodka, use Russian; if you want to complain about Russian bureaucracy, use Finnish :P. Anyway, I'll try to read it no matter which language you use.

  5. Hear, hear Dumiac! But that would mean that when I'm having my Finnish "v*tutus" on I'll only write in Finnish and no foreigner could find out my mood. :)

  6. english , german, bulgarian, romanian, either is fine with me :) муха

  7. Sikses saat mun puolesta kirjoittaa sillä, mikä parhaalta tuntuu, mutta mikäli haluat Aku-tätösen ymmärtävän tarinoitasi, suosittelisin englannin ja suomen pitämistä pääkielenä. Ei sillä, että venäjän kertauskurssi olisi enemmän kuin hyväksi tällä suunnalla, mutta siihen kertaukseen vaaditaan jo enemmän kuin muutama blogimerkintä.

    Raapustuksesi pääsevät kuitenkin kirjanmerkkeihini nyt. Kliketiklik. ^^

    Olin pahis ja vastasin på finska. Muahahahahaha.

  8. Акулиначка - я тебя люблю! <3
