4 Jun 2011

My Two Bubbels

Well, Mrs. Miggins, at last we can return to sanity. The hustings are over, the bunting is down, the mad hysteria is at an end. After the chaos of a general election, we can return to normal.                         - E. Blackadder 

And so can I. Or at least as far as the life in the city of Moscow allows me to. So far it seems that it allows me a great number of things. Almost everything except completely free access to Internet (and that's mainly due to the havoc I'm having with my good friend Night about the best way of getting my old laptop to use Wi-Fi). Right now I'm trying to learn the wonders of Linux with Ubuntu and getting annoyed almost after every time I press anything at all. Fortunately, I could flee from all that for a moment here to my blog.

So, I promised to introduce you guys to my new friends: Night and Troll. For obvious reasons I won't paste their photos or hand out any specific information but let it suffice to say that they are a young couple living in the most distant corner of Moscow (well, I guess I can at least tell you in which area I live. Here, have a look: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%A3%D1%85%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9). They are CS enthusiasts and very jovial people. We live in an old detached house (built long before the revolution of 1917) with a very cozy and even a bit rural sense to it (as seen here ->).

Don't worry. The place is not a dump although it does look bit shabby and rundown. But to be quite honest - I like it just the way it is. So, here is the first bubble I live in: our own little hippie commune with garden around, nightingales singing all night (and day) long, rebuilding of fence improving with common efforts, couple of cats roaming around the place, a lot of good music and some CS people around the globe to keep good company. And hey! - we have a barbecue evening tomorrow. So if you feel like joining in - come and have a visit!

And here we have my other bubble: lo and behold the Embassy of Finland! The place I work in. And I suppose it goes without saying that this embassy is a small pocket of Finland in the middle of Moscow.

Yesterday, after my first proper (and bit exhausting) work shift, we had a small celebration in the embassy's garden and I noticed that the "small pocket" is not that small at all - there was a lot people (even few kids, which reminds me of few details: in our embassy we have, among other things, a school, medical center, a swimming pool and of course two saunas). And in fact this embassy I work in is one of the three biggest embassies Finland has (the three biggest being Moscow, Washington D.C. and Brussels - tells something about Finland's political position, aye?).

So, these are my two very different realities, my worlds - my bubbles and right now my life seems to be concentrated in both of them and, of course, sailing in between. But somehow the world in between, that is to say Moscow and Russia, seems right now so huge and crowded that I don't really want to jump in more than I have to. I hope this feeling of mine will eventually change (and it should considering that my adventurous friend is coming soon to work within our contingent in the embassy). 

Yours sincerely (& within a bubble),


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