13 Sept 2011

After the First Thousand Miles of Wonder

Yes, I know! It's been awhile. I'm sorry if you've missed me. I, on the other hand, have been busy with other engagements elsewhere (that is to say I've been drifting somewhere in between Helsinki and Kauhajoki in my native Finland). There's nothing really interesting happening in Finland (is there ever?) at the moment. But this specific turning of the seasons has treated me rather well. Bare with me once more:

Since I've got back home from Russia I've gained some more age (23 years by now) and weight (67 kg at the moment) but I reckon I've hardly grown an other millimetre (I could check if you want!) since last year. I had the best birthday in years with my best friends in Helsinki (e.g. I got to see how Finland won the Republic of Moldova 4 - 1 in football) with proper cuisine, pints, presents and feminine touch included. Even the public transport did not forget me: the fine I received a day before my birthday was cancelled by the officials. At the end of the day I felt exhausted but happier than I had been in a very long time.

Right now I'm staying with my parents in Kauhajoki (due to my flat in Helsinki been occupied by a subtenant). I hanged around at few of my friends in the capital but I got uncomfortable after a few days and decided to retreat back into the countryside. By now I've managed to pull myself back together after Moscow although a visit to my home university in Helsinki was more of a claustrophobic experience than I anticipated. Fortunately, I didn't have to hang around there for a long.  

And since I'm once more on the rails and have my next target (the University Collage of London and the Perfidious Albion) fixed on my mind I might as well share with you some of the things to come. First of all I'm leaving Finland next Tuesday and for the first night in London I'm without a roof (if you should have any tips about where I could stay for that one night in question I would be much obliged!). I get to move into my residence first thing the next morning. And speaking of the devil here's some information about the place I'm moving into: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/accommodation/residences/houses/vtours/arthur-tattersall (great, aye?). My orientation programme starts on the same day and it seems that there's still some bureaucracy and a considerable amount of paperwork to be done in order to become a student at UCL. On the other hand (after studying for few months in Russia) I wouldn't have expected anything else from the Britons and a member university of both the Russell Group and the G5.

Now there's little more to tell about my life at the moment except for the fact it's not London I'm awaiting the most right now: my girlfriend is coming to visit me (and my parents..) here in the countryside for the next weekend. Now, when I'm writing this, I can hardly keep myself from rushing to my cellphone and making sure she's both happy and done her homework since I have none of my own (or may be it's just my inner teacher going active?). :)

Yours in dreamy autumn weather with Tom Waits,


PS. Oh, and one more thing! As I promised you already last spring this blog will take you through 3000 miles of wonder. The first thousand (to Moscow and back again) is now over but there's still two more to go (to London and back). Already in Moscow few of my colleges were wondering about the title of this blog. Why does it have the name it has? I don't recall telling you this but it all comes down to a certain song by Flogging Molly. The song's called With a Wonder and a Wild Desire. I'll post both a link and the lyrics of this song here:

Wonder and a Wild Desire 
(and mind the link!)

So I will pave this road till glory
Sets our broken spirit free
From every cross-soaked nail pours endless rain
With tears no eye should see
But they could fill our highest ocean
And the rivers in between
With every blade that flowers must grow then drown
With love our cruelest sea

So with a wonder and a wild desire
I will crawl from under every weight
With a wonder and a wild desire
Bless the day it was I shared your name
Yesterday forever speaks your grave

Hail the shower from the broadside
To the heavens down below
Draw one last breath from your fanning ship
Sink the hunger in us all
Shake the hand that speaks of freedom
Kiss hate one final bow
Till each twilight falls then rests till dawn and tomorrow's never sleep

So with a wonder and a wild desire
I will crawl from under every weight
With a wonder and a wild desire
Bless the day it was I shared your name
With each word forever speaks your grave

And of the fool we shall not mention
That depraves the cries of youth
Drag not your strength from government
But from the voices they abuse

So with a wonder and a wild desire
I will crawl from under every weight
With a wonder and a wild desire
Bless the day it was I shared your name
Yesterday forever speaks your grave

Only time will tell when this rain of hell, shall wither in defeat
Separate the bread they forgot to share, till the milk still left to feed
Though this body aches then disappeared into the ground, our seeds
He said, "I'd, I'd always comfort thee"

So I will pave this road to glory
Watch as our broken spirits soar
Resignate with perfect reason
Shut life's last gloomy door

So with a wonder and a wild desire
I will crawl from under every weight
With a wonder and a wild desire
Bless the day it was I shared your name
With a wonder and a wild desire
I will crawl from under every weight
With a wonder and a wild desire
Bless the day it was I shared your name
Yesterday forever speaks your grave


    have fun in rainy london. hope to get news from you as often as posible. hugs and kisses from romania( you know dia will hug you to death)


  2. I know I am. But fortunately we're growing old together! On the other hand I reckon London is as rainy as Helsinki, Berlin or any city on the Northern side of the Alps. And please, муха, try to hug her to death before she gets her hands on me :S
