27 May 2011

There's only a moment

The wind of change is blowing straight into my face and it's difficult to say right now whether I like this expected yet unexpected breeze or not. But one thing is sure: since I wrote that semi-political outburst of mine a lot has happened.

One of the most notable events was the visit of my American comrade. Along with many other things his company made me re-evaluate my habitat i.e. Helsinki and Finland in general or, as we together concluded, to see things from outside the box. And indeed when I was returning home from Katajanokka harbour (with my ears full of Oregon music and my spirit rather down) the face of my home city seemed friendlier than ever before.

Tomorrow there's a celebration in my family due to my father getting his degree in Information Technology. So, one more well-educated person in our family!.. which brings me to my own B.A. degree: according to our university's intranet I've finally made it and will be receiving my diploma on Tuesday - same day I'm boarding the train bound for Moscow.

Yesterday, just before I left for Kauhajoki, I shook a hand of a friend thus confirming our deal of him becoming my subtenant and starting to move in immediately. This means that even if I'm staying in Helsinki for a short while before the departure - I'll be staying more as a guest (in my own home) than an actual dweller. The good side of the matter is that I'm more or less ready for the departure (packed my stuff already, yes!) and excited to leave and that the last moments I'll spend in Finland should be dedicated solely for enjoying myself with friends: the eve of my departure I'll be spending, hopefully, with my very best friends. So even if I'm feeling slightly melancholic right now I have nothing but pleasant things ahead!

And one more thing - usually before going into the world outside our Nordic Shire I spend some time with my parents in my native home (like now) and thus I get the feeling that the Road always begins from here - from this house's doorstep. There are several good farewell songs in the world but this one I'm going to share with you has no match (techinically it's not a farewell song but for me it is). Here you have both the translation and a link to the original version of that song:

There's only a moment

Everything in this storming world is a mirage
There is only this moment - you should hold on to it.
There is only a moment between the past and the present
And that moment is called life.

Everlasting peace would scarcely please one's heart,
Everlasting peace is meant only for the grey pyramids.
But for a shooting star that is falling and burning
There is only a moment, this one blinding moment.

Let this world run through the centuries,
But the ways of this world are not always my ways.
What do I hold dear, with what do I risk in this world?
With only a moment - with only this moment.

There's happiness and sorrow on the path of life,
But there nothing more but a moment - you should hold on to it.
There is only a moment between the past and the present
And that moment is called life.

Yours in high spirits,

- Stefan

PS. Here's link to the aforementioned song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ-hnn1UASQ

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